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Group Services


Membership Services provides an email database for each Artist Group. The database for each group’s members contains all of their contact information, current status, and a record of their response to emails sent from the group. Emails can be sent via Wix to all active group members or specific members on topics relevant to the group, such as events, status updates, information requests, and other notices. 


A page on the Artists Collective website is available for each group, designed by the CCAC webmaster. The group is responsible for supplying content and for keeping information current; they can also provide html or a page URL to be incorporated into the CCAC site, which may be edited to be consistent in design with the overall site.

Banking support for Artist Groups

-- Banking services for the Artists Collective comprise multiple Business Checking accounts - a main one for the Collective itself, and one for each member artist group. These accounts are held at the Mechanics Bank at 2276 Broad Street, SLO. All accounts are registered under the same FEIN ID for tax purposes.
-- Each account has its own Username and Password and is managed by the Treasurer of the respective member artist group. The Treasurer of the Artists Collective has access to the member artist group accounts for tax and accounting issues, but the individual artist groups determine how and when any of their funds are spent independent of Collective authorization.
-- Each Treasurer is responsible for balancing their account on a monthly basis. They each report monthly income and expenses to the Collective Treasurer for tax reporting purposes. The Collective Treasurer is responsible for non-profit tax filing for all Collective related groups.
-- PayPal or another payment option is recommended but not required for each artist group. These are useful for receiving exhibition entry fees, donations, or paying for items and services. The Collective uses PayPal for receiving Participation dues.

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