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Central Coast Craftmakers - News


When: Thursday February 27, 10:30-12:00 pm

Where:  SLO Botanical Gardens, 3450 Dairy Creek Road, San Luis Obispo (across from Cuesta College), Pavillion Building. Parking: Free parking.

Light Brunch Buffet and beverages provided

Members and non-members are welcome! Please bring friends interested in joining our Craftmakers Group. Please make every effort to attend this gathering. For those who can’t make it, a synopsis of the meeting will be emailed to our mailing list.

RSVP:  Lisa Stromsoe:

I would appreciate a head count, and your input, as soon as possible.


Please brainstorm about what you would like to see this enthusiastic group of artisans accomplish in 2025 and beyond! I will compile an informal outline of topics. Email me your questions, concerns, bright ideas, things you’d like to share with the group, and new venue options. I will gladly add those to the outline.   

Members in attendance will receive their official Craftmakers name badge and spiffy lanyard. Raffle Prizes: 2 tickets to the Palm Theater with free popcorn, surprise donated art works, and more. Raffle tickets: 2 for $5; 5 for $10. 

CCAC and Craftmakers Group Present - FRESH! New works in Fine Craft.
This is a juried show at Art Center Morro Bay, May 15-June 23, in the upstairs gallery’s interior space. The exhibition will be presented on pedestals, shelves and free-standing walls. 3D works are encouraged.
The Call For Entry is now available HERE.

Show Calendar:
Entry Deadline: April 4, midnight
Notification: April 8
Delivery of Artwork(s): May 13
More details available soon through an upcoming email blast by Lisa Stromsoe,  Director CCAC/Craftmakers Group.


Patchwork Heart by Dianne Draze


CRAFTMAKERS has a new name! We are now the CENTRAL COAST CRAFT COALITION, an independent group of artists working in a variety of 2-D and 3-D mediums. We seek to expand and improve as artisans by hosting and participating in multiple specialized exhibitions over the next few years, which will be held in delightfully unique spaces. Several exhibition opportunities are currently in the planning stages. We have access to a wide variety of jurors and curators from various regions and backgrounds, and a new director to help us advance, not only as a group, but as an inclusive SLO County fine craft community.
There are quite a few untapped potential exhibition spaces out there that are worth exploring. Many of us can benefit from having our work enjoyed by a wider audience. 

Primarily, the shows hosted by our group have been  exhibitions at Art Center Morro Bay, by way of the Central Coast Artists Collective. Both of these entities have been very generous with inclusion over these past few years. Please support them if you can.

Until we meet each other and exchange information, leads, connections, agendas etc., I’ll be continuing to move forward with gathering information to report back to our group. 

Many of you have great ideas that you may have been ruminating on for years! For now, please spread the word and encourage anyone in your art circle to join the CC CRAFT COALITION, through the Central Coast Artists Collective. 

Lisa Stromsöe /Director   

Keasha Willingham /Membership

Jazz Singer by Ross Hale - ceramic art

Ross Hale, Ceramicist and Sculptor

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